Assessment Only Route to QTS:

This is tailored for experienced teachers already working in schools that want to qualify ‘on the job’. The Assessment Only (AO) route allows you to demonstrate that you already meet all of the standards for Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) without the need for any further training.


You must demonstrate that you are already teaching at either “good” or “outstanding” level against the Teachers’ Standards. You must be prepared to be formally assessed by a university tutor in your school. Following a successful assessment period, you will be recommended for QTS.

Apprenticeship Courses


We have partnered with Get Set Academy to deliver a range a apprenticeship of courses, some of the popular ones are listed below:


L3 Apprenticeships – Teaching Assistant

The primary role of a learner undertaking a Teaching Assistant apprenticeship is to support the class teacher in enhancing a pupil’s learning either by supporting a group of learners or providing one to one support. You can experience an enjoyable and rewarding role that will differ from day to day.


L3 and Level 4 Apprenticeships – Early Years Educators

The Early Years Educator course is for individuals that are keen to gain the knowledge and skills required to become a certified childcare professional working with children birth to 5 years old.

Individuals will be able to support children so that they can advance in their learning from this course. Occupations may include child minder, nursery nurse, and an early year’s key worker in a provision that offers early education.


For a list of available courses please enquire.

NPQ Courses


Leadership Training

SEP has partnered with a DFE – accredited NPQ provider to provide leaders of our schools access to the full suite of NPQs on offer. We offer the full suite of NPQ leadership courses

The NPQs have been designed with both classroom teachers and leaders in mind. They are:


NPQSL – Senior Leadership – Develop your leadership knowledge and expertise to improve outcomes for teachers and pupils in your school.

NPQH – Headship – Develop the knowledge that underpins expert school leadership and apply it to become an outstanding headteacher.

NPQEL – Executive Leadership – Develop the expertise you need to become an outstanding executive leader, leading change and improvement across your group of schools or multi-academy trust

‘Preparing to Teach’ Programme


SEP’s exclusive and bespoke training programme that equips non-qualified teachers and individuals with a keen interest in teaching but having no formal qualifications to enter the classroom as confident unqualified teachers ready to embark on a teaching career.


This partly accredited training programme will be your first step into a classroom setting and will fully prepare you for the roles and responsibilities of a classroom teacher. With a mix of blended and face to face learning, this programme particularly suited for Alims and Alimahs graduating from their Alimyah courses wanting to pursue a career in teaching.


This course is suitable for any person who has attained A-levels/a degree including the Islamic Jurisprudence degree.

Ongoing Programs


Live Webinars

Live Webinars on a range of relevant topics suitable for Early years, Primary and Secondary schools. Whether you’re an experienced teacher or new to teaching we are sure to have something suitable for you.


On Demand CPD

On demand short courses for every aspect of teaching from mental health to leadership training. Simple to access to complete at your own pace. These fully certified courses will be an excellent addition to your CPD profile and give you up to date knowledge of what’s going on in the world of education.

Training Enquiry Form

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